Come and join us as guinea pigs in our next experiment, and get paid £10 plus expenses.





experiment • fail • learn • repeat •

What to expect when you are a research participant at Muchnsuch laboratories.

Our guinea pigs are essential to help us drive progress forwards, and understand more about the human condition. At Muchnsuch Laboratories, we only work with the creme de la creme of individuals. For our research results to be meaningful, we invite only leaders of the highest calibre in our workspace. This is because they generally have bigger brains.

Sign the waiver form

Whilst we can almost guarantee that nobody will get hurt during your experience as a research participant, it is essential that you sign a waiver form and NDA as soon as you arrive on the premises. This is in order to protect our intellectual property and reputation as a cutting edge think tank and disruption house.

Be prompt

At Muchsuch Laboratories, we have respect for all of the universe’s beguiling and formidable forces: including time. On the day of your experiment, please arrive no later than 9.45am. You will be given regular breaks in between experiment sessions, in order to think and rest. Each session is a very tight 45 minutes, so we must have your full undivided attention at all times.


Muchsuch Laboratories is a techology-free zone. Unless it’s a bunsen burner or a test tube, we’re not interested. As such, please turn your phones off during your experiment, or put them on airplane mode. You will be provided with workbooks and pens that will see you through the day.

Lunch with Dr Muchnsuch

On the day of your visit, you will be invited to an exclusive lunch with our wonderful leader: Dr Muchnsuch. You will be asked for your dietary requirements, so please do let us know in advance if you are allergic to nuts or shellfish. These requirements will be accommodated. As the Dr is selective about who he dines with, and how, seating plans will be provided.

What can I expect?

During the day, all we require is that you are yourself. We like to get creative at Muchnsuch Laboratories, but we also take our work very seriously. Across the day we guarantee that you will not be required to role play, or do any of those silly dances that our competitors seem to be a fan of, and you will be subject to the most market-leading academic rigour. We know that many people feel social anxieties relating to experiences like this, and can assure you that learning - not silliness - is our priority. However, all the research states that learning embeds when it is immersive, and we shall do our very best to ensure you have an incredibly involving time, that is unlike your regular days at work.